Eat Your View

There are half the number of insects in North America than in the 1960's. There are one-third the number of birds flying over our heads than in the 1970's. And it's all related to the overuse of deadly chemical pesticides in industrial agriculture. The United Nations has said that we have enough topsoil left worldwide for 60 years. That's 60 harvests. Industrial agriculture has decimated our soils and ecosystems, and endagered our ability to feed ourselves in the future. With climate change, will our children and grandchildren live with water wars, desertification and the mass migration of millions, even billions of people? Every community around the world must retain some capacity to feed itself sustainably because that builds food security, food sovereignty and regional resilience.
Without insects the rest of life, including humanity, “would mostly disappear from the land. And within a few months.” -Renowned Harvard entomologist E.O. Wilson
our vision: sustainable and resilient communities
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Food Fighters
from Discovery Books